About Us
Since 2017, we set out on a journey of visiting specialty coffee roasters in Europe, by ourselves, before placing our first order and shipping the freshly roasted beans to our end customers in China. We started from Berlin, Germany, and then travelled to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, France, Belgium, Italy, and as far as Australia to talk to the founders, managers and baristas in person. Our footsteps never stop, and we are always in the search for new suppliers and connections.
Meanwhile, we acquired our first group of customers in China through sampling trials with 20+ Chinese gourmet/lifestyle influencers. Our hand-selected coffee collection has received very positive feedback from these influencers, and we were happy to offer an exclusive discount for their followers who placed orders through their references. And if you are wondering - No, we believe that our selection speaks for itself and we didn’t pay these influencers.
We are also eager to create an intimate community with everybody who shares our passion for coffee. When more orders started to come in, we virtually connected the café owners, coffee lovers, baristas, roasters, all into an online group. Now, vigorous discussions about coffee making, tasting, and roasting is taking place in the group chat every day.
In amazing flavours, we unite people.
At Katerkatze, we believe in the people we work with. By talking to and working with various roasters, baristas, coffee drinkers from both Europe and China, we build trust and rely on each other’s choices. We understand the differences profoundly, as well as the similarities.
Not only do we put our suppliers and customers at the bottom of our hearts from the very beginning, we also try everything we can to make sure the coffees themselves are the freshest. The pre-ordered coffee will never be older than 14 days when the customer receives it. Even the “currently-available” selections from our Chinese warehouse are all roasted within 30 days.
We are a team of versatile females.
the Co-Founder / CEO, is an INSEAD MBA who has been living in Europe since 2013 and building cross-border startups between Europe and China since 2015.
the Co-Founder / CPO, a developer who chose to diverge into a designer role, has been managing product design and launch for various tech companies including the Chinese IT giant Alibaba, throughout her career.
We believe that, by understanding customers and delivering the best-quality coffees in the world, we will build the coffee future in China.